Working or Studying in China

If you are going to China for work or studies, a medical examination often a mandatory part of the visa application.

The requirements for the medical examination may vary from country to country, but for China the examination is quiete extensive, for example:
– A cardiac ultrasound (ECG)
– Screening for TB with a chest X-ray
– Extensive blood analysis
– Physical examination
– Urine check
– Blood pressure

This check has to be done by an independent doctor.


Once that is done and your visa is in, some wonderful highlights await you!
This country is a fascinating mix of ancient traditions and modern progress, with a rich history and breathtaking landscapes. Here are 3 highlights not to be missed during your stay:

🏯 The Great Wall of China: Visit one of the world’s most impressive structures and walk the ancient walls stretching through the mountains and valleys of China.

🏮 The Forbidden City in Beijing: Explore the majestic imperial palace that has been the center of Chinese power and culture for centuries, and admire the magnificent architecture and art treasures found here.

🎎 The karst landscapes of Guilin: Cruise along the scenic Li River and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Karst Mountains, lush green rice paddies and traditional villages that make this region so unique.

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable adventure in China

This checkup can be done by Keurdokter. Make an appointment with us now.

You can reach us by calling 0228 – 543 903 or fill out our contactform.

Locations Keurdokter: Almere, Andijk, HoornHeerhugowaard, Texel and Zaandam.


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